Last night we celebrated the launch of the Martuwarra Fitzroy River - Lifeblood of the Kimberley exhibition at the WA Maritime Museum in Fremantle.
The exhibition, which will be on display until January 2023, showcases the beauty of the Martuwarra through stunning photography by Damian Kelly and Adam Monk - illustrating the seasonal cycle of the River from raging floods to the fragility as the river recedes in the dryer months.
Our spectacular seven-metre sawfish art installation features as part of the exhibition, highlighting the importance of the Martuwarra for the survival of the critically endangered species. The installation is huge and reflects the actual size freshwater sawfish can grow to!
The powerful voices of Traditional Owners and their efforts to protect the Martuwarra from large-scale development are highlighted in the award-winning web series Voices of the River, playing throughout the exhibition. Hear the stories of the Martuwarra and the deep spiritual connection Traditional Owners have with their river.
Images by Miles Tweedie Photography
It's a huge achievement and recognition of our collective efforts that this exhibition has come to life.
Please tag us in your photos or use the hashtag #protectthefitzroy #lifebloodofthekimberley if you visit the exhibition.