It has been an extremely challenging start to 2023 for communities along the Martuwarra Fitzroy River who are currently experiencing the worst floods in WA history.
Floodwaters hit a record-breaking 15.8 metres in Fitzroy Crossing last week, causing widespread damage and destroying homes, businesses, roads and bridges, and killing and displacing countless wildlife and animals.
Wallaby and cattle cling to the damaged bridge in Fitzroy Crossing as floodwaters reach 15.8m. Pic: Andrea Myers.
Aerial shots show the devastating damage to local roads and the Fitzroy River Bridge from raging floodwaters. Pic: DFES.
It has been heart-breaking to see communities along the Martuwarra so heavily impacted, but we are inspired by the strength and resilience of the community who have come together during this disaster to ensure everyone is safe and that no one has been seriously injured.
This disaster is far from over, as floodwaters move downstream this week there is likely to be more damage and loss.
The extent of the destruction won’t be known for quite some time, with some communities possibly isolated for weeks, maybe months, as roads and bridges are repaired.
Here are some options to support local organisations:
- Donate to Marninwarntikura Women’s Resource Centre fundraiser to help women and children in the Fitzroy Valley rebuild their lives after this flood disaster.
- Donate to Leedal Foundation Limited fundraiser for Flood Relief and Support for Aboriginal people in the Fitzroy Valley.
- Donate to Wild Life West Inc in Fitzroy Crossing – a non-profit wildlife sanctuary – to help buy medical supplies, food and new shelters for injured and displaced wildlife.
- Donate essential items like bedding, pillows, mattresses, and camping equipment through FISH – Foundation for Indigenous Sustainable Health.
- Support Martuwarra Fitzroy River Council's flood relief efforts to help those affected along the river.
This catastrophic flood event is unlike anything the Kimberley has ever experienced, but it is heart-warming that people across Australia have sent their warm wishes and donated to help those in need.
We’ll continue to update you on the floods and will let you know how you can help get the Fitzroy Crossing community back on its feet.
Fitzroy Crossing community working together to protect culture and save artwork during the floods. Pic: Andrea Myers.