Election commitments
In advance of the 2017 election, here are the commitments and positions of the parties on Kimberley conservation in the next term of Government. The great news is that thanks to the hard work of our supporters - attending events, making calls and sending emails, there are commitments on the Kimberley from all sides of politics!
Each party's position is summarised below, you can read the detail by clicking on the icons below. All minor parties have been contacted, although many do not have policies that relate to the Kimberley.
Liberal Party of WA
Over the past eight years the Liberal National Government has committed $103.6 million to the Kimberley Science and Conservation Strategy. Achievements have included the creation of a Great Kimberley Marine Park along 500km of pristine coast and the creation of one million hectares of new national parks and conservation reserves, marine science projects, land management initiatives and removing feral animals and weeds. The Liberals have committed to continuing this work. The specific commitment is to finish the proposed 2 million hectare Kimberley National Park.
WA Labor
WA Labor has committed to the creation of new marine parks in the Kimberley and a science based process for ensuring world class levels of sanctuary zones, and to working towards a mosaic of National Parks. They have also committed to protecting the National Heritage-listed Fitzroy River. Specific commitments are to extend the Great Kimberley Marine Park to include the Buccaneer Archipelago, review the Roebuck Bay Marine Park to include a sanctuary zone, create a new Fitzroy River National Park by extending the Darngku (Geikie Gorge) National Park along the Fitzroy River to the north, and the Margaret River to the east. WA Labor will also develop a Fitzroy River management plan to ensure the health of the river and sustainable development.
The Greens (WA)
The Greens support a comprehensive, adequate and representative marine reserve system, including in the Kimberley and this supports the protection of areas like Adele Island that have been left out of the Great Kimberley Marine Park. The Greens support the involvement of Aboriginal Traditional Owners and the broader community in decision making at all stages of planning, development and management, including a leading role for Traditional Owners in management of parks. The Greens policy is that the most important natural and cultural heritage areas including the Kimberley Coast should be protected from any large scale disturbances, such as mining.
The Nationals WA
The WA Nationals have supported significant investment of Royalties for Regions money in the Kimberley Science and Conservation Strategy and have supported the creation of the Great Kimberley Marine Park. Future conservation initiatives may be supported on a case by case basis.