Welcome the new Environment Minister
Environment Minister
Send a message to the new Environment Minister letting him know that there is lots of support for the new Government’s commitment to protect the Kimberley - every message helps and a personal message has most impact!
- Say congratulations on your appointment as Environment Minister
- I live in (add your area) and I support conservation in the Kimberley
- Thank you for Labor’s election commitment to protecting the Buccaneer Archipelago and the Fitzroy River
- The thousand islands of the Buccaneer Archipelago have been left out of the Great Kimberley Marine Park but are just as spectacular and diverse as the areas that have been protected. The sealing of the Cape Leveque Road will increase pressure, so protection of this area needs to be a priority to ensure the environment stays healthy.
- The Fitzroy is the largest river in WA and the lifeblood of the Kimberley. There are species of fish that are found only in the river.
- Extending the Darngku Geikie Gorge National Park and creating a management plan to protect the river and ensure development is compatible with the environment will keep the river healthy.
- The Fitzroy River has been National Heritage listed for its outstanding Indigenous cultural values. Traditional Owners are the right people to ensure these values are protected and should have a central role in developing protection plans for the river.
- As the Upper House Member for the Kimberley, you know how special the Kimberley is, please know you have strong community support to finish the protection of this important place.