Help Stop the Gogo Dam

Please accept this email as a public comment on the Gogo Station irrigation proposal scoping document.

I commend the EPA for producing a comprehensive scoping document and for releasing it for public comment. It is pleasing to see the consideration of cumulative impacts included.

The scope of work also needs to ensure that the following key issues are properly modeled and fully assessed:

  • Impacts on the marine environment from increased nutrients and chemicals, and reduced flows.
  • Impacts of peak flood extraction on wetlands and billabongs at the periphery of the downstream floodplains. Some wetlands are only flooded for short periods of time by the same peak flow events that this proposal seeks to extract from the river.  This should include the impact on the ability of fish such as barramundi to migrate across flood plains from the river channel to permanent billabongs.
  • Impacts of flood extraction on upstream migration of culturally and environmentally sensitive species such as cherubin, barramundi and sawfish

In addition, assessment of the impact on the Nationally Heritage listed indigenous cultural values will require consultation.  The modelling of water flows alone cannot be considered an adequate substitute for extensive consultation with Traditional Owners to ensure the potential for impacts are properly understood, and appropriately consultation must be part of the assessment process.

The assessment should also include consideration of the impacts of a very large dam and large scale land clearing on the overall character and amenity of the Fitzroy Valley landscape.

Overall, I do not think that the proposed Gogo Station dam can be considered environmentally acceptable.

I thank you for this opportunity to comment on the scoping document.


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