North Kimberley Marine Park
"My visits to the Kimberley have been many and each time I have focused on what was so precious in the unspoiled environment… I travelled further north to have that experience of the healing and revitalising of my being of the pristine environment. The wide-open country, the colours of the earth and the sea, the magic of the quiet and peaceful land. All hard to define in everyday language for me – so important. Please give this area maximum protection.”
Ray Flanagan, Claremont, WA
The final plan has been published for the North Kimberley Marine Park, which will be WA’s biggest marine park, stretching from the Bonaparte Archipelago all the way to the Northern Territory border. The North Kimberley is fringed by coral reefs, which rival the Great Barrier Reef for diversity of species and are among the most unspoiled coral reefs left on Earth. They also support species such as loggerhead turtles and dugong.