
Click on the images below to view our publications.

The Kimberley - Like Nowhere Else

A book about what makes the Kimberley special, celebrating the progress made and what is needed to protect it.

Snubbies Introducing Some Roebuck Bay Locals

Meet some of Roebuck Bay’s charismatic locals, the playful snubfin dolphins! Roebuck Bay has the densest population of snubbies in the world.

Response to the Kimberley Science and Conservation Strategy

A detailed policy response to the Western Australian Government’s Science Synthesis / Science and Conservation Strategy from June 2009

Kimberley Coast The Last Sanctuary

Discover the natural wonders of the Kimberley Coast, and why we need a Great Kimberley Marine Park.

Gogo Station Rebuttal

A response to scale and impact of the Gogo Station irrigated agricultural proposal by Dr Ryan Vogwill, Hydrogeologist

Environmental, cultural & social capital as a core asset for the Martuwarra (Fitzroy River) & its people

Assessing Tourism Potentials in the Fitzroy Valley; Promoting sustainable Indigenous tourism development in WA’s Kimberley region.

Considers an alternative economy to large-scale development. Discusses how Aboriginal tourism can support economic development and employment opportunities for the Fitzroy Valley, that are sustainable and don't risk destroying the Martuwarra Fitzroy River.

Coral reefs in the Kimberley adapt to survive

New research shows Kimberley corals have surprising durability in harsh conditions, but there is need for protection.

Want to help protect the Kimberley?